Welcome to Room 6's blog for 2016. We are a class of energetic year 5/6 learners and our teacher is Miss Coffer. Check out our blog of all our exciting learning!
Friday, 16 December 2016
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Room 6 wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thank you for following our learning this year. We wish you all a safe and happy holiday!
Tony - The Bearded Dragon
Yesterday we had Austin's lizard come and visit us. Some of us even had a hold! Huge thanks to Kylie and Austin for bringing him in.

Thursday, 1 December 2016
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Liam's Room Design
In the holidays Liam designed a room with his grandparents. It was very cleverly made! We all loved the carpet and want some in our room. Well done Liam!
Future All White in the making...
Huge congratulations to Eli in Room 6. Over the holidays his soccer team got second in a National Tournament and also won a Tournament in Taupo. To top it off Eli also won the Golden Glove award for his club. Eli this is amazing! We are super proud of you!
Friday, 23 September 2016
Our wonderful Sophie is in the play Pinocchio in the first week of the holidays. All the details are below! Good luck Sophie, we know you will make us proud!
Monday, 19 September 2016
Kapa Haka
In the weekend Austin proudly represented Room 6 as a leader in the Kapa Haka group performing at Koanga Festival. Austin did an incredible job. Go Austin!
PTC 1:Relationships,
PTC 10:Bicultural,
PTC 3:Treaty,
PTC 7:Engagement,
PTC 9:Diversity
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Check out these awesome people!
These people here have read for 1,000 minutes at home. Woohooo! They will turn into book worms soon!
Brayden and Cooper
Brayden and Cooper shared with use their recent successes in both karate and rugby. We are very proud of Brayden moving up a belt and for Cooper's rugby team winning their final.

PTC 1:Relationships,
PTC 7:Engagement
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Rio Paralympics
We watched this inspiring video today about the Paralympics. They are so talented. We discussed what we could learn from this e.g. never give up/nothing is impossible. We really think they are the true heroes of the Olympics.
Monday, 5 September 2016
The Lorax Film
We are watching this short film at the moment to help us learn about how to take care of the environment. What can you learn from this video?
Room 6
Room 6
Mandarin Lessons
Every Monday we have Mandarin lessons. This week we were singing to songs which helps us learn to count in numbers and how to ask what is your name.
We are going to practise these songs for next Monday! Feel free to learn along to.
We are going to practise these songs for next Monday! Feel free to learn along to.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Rainbow Poetry
Today we had Judi Billcliff come and speak to the senior school students. She talked about her grandchildren and how they inspired her poems. Some of us even got to act parts from the poem. We loved how she showed us that anything around you can become a poem. We also loved how she showed us to NEVER let kids drive cars. We also learnt how it is important to get advice off your audience when writing (she get's advice off kids!). She also had a great sense of humor which made it really engaging. It was also great how she got the audience members involved in what she was doing. She has inspired us to do some poems about our Grandmas....watch this space!!
Monday, 29 August 2016
Amazing Race
15th of September is Global collaboration day. Room 6 is making their way around the world map to complete quizzes and collect stamps. On the 15th of Sepetmber we are going to see who collected the most stamps! Feel free to join in, keep your stamp on a google doc. Once you have finished come see Miss Coffer and she will transfer this onto a passport for you.
Best of luck everyone!
Monday, 15 August 2016
What shall we name it?
Add to the padlet below of your ideas for the name of the teddy:
Scavenger Hunt - Singapore
Miss Coffer was back today after a week in Singapore. It was great to hear here stories and learn about what school life is like.
Here is a Scavenger Hunt we completed. You might like to try it yourself (answers at top of page).
http://bit.ly/2aMPsCJ See how you go! Kids test your parents.
http://bit.ly/2aMPsCJ See how you go! Kids test your parents.
Saturday, 13 August 2016
Room 6 get excited Mystery Skype will be happening soon!
Watch this video:
Friday, 12 August 2016
Singapore post 3
Wow Room 6 I am super impressed with all your great comments. The students and staff at Bukit Primary are awesome, it reminds me of Sunnyhills. Do you know the students stay in one class for the most of the day but the teachers move around and the students have an hour at each subject. School starts at 7.30am and can finish different each day, ranging from 12.30pm to 1.30pm. The students are very interested in how we live in New Zealand and can't that you can have bare feet at school!
Here are some photos of Bukit Timah Primary School:
Here are some photos of Bukit Timah Primary School:
Right back to the quiz! Here are some more quiz questions about Singapore. Remember for each one you get right it is 10,000 house points.
8. Singapore is roughly the same size as a lake in New Zealand. Which lake is it the same size of?
9. What is this tourist attraction called and when was it built? (see photo below)
10. This bridge is Singapore is called "The Helix" bridge. Where does the design idea come from? (See photo below)
11. Who is this statue? Why is he important to Singapore? (see photo below)
12. What is the principals name at Bukit Timah Primary School?
Keep up the great work Room 6!!
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Singapore - post 2
Well done - Sophia, Willa, Eli and Finlay for commenting on the blog. You each get 10,000 house points each.
The quiz continues. Remember we will be discussing the answers when I am back. If you comment and you have got a question right you will get 10,000 house points for each question correct.
Quiz continued...
5. Singapore have notes for $2. Who is the man on the $2 note? Why is he important? (photo below)
The quiz continues. Remember we will be discussing the answers when I am back. If you comment and you have got a question right you will get 10,000 house points for each question correct.
Quiz continued...
5. Singapore have notes for $2. Who is the man on the $2 note? Why is he important? (photo below)
6. Today was a very important day in Singapore (Tuesday 9th August). There were lots of celebrations and fireworks. Everyone was wearing red. Why was today important in Singapore and why do people wear white? (photo below)
7. This sign below is in an area of major tourist attraction in Singapore. Can you use your inferencing skills to know where this sign is?
Remember to comment below your answers.
Watch this space for more questions....
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Hello from Singapore!
Hello Room 6!
I have arrived safe and sound. I love it here, it such a beautiful place and very very hot (30+ degrees). On the first day (Sunday). We did some sight seeing as a group it was awesome...I walked 18km in the 30 degree heat. Singapore is very clean, you can get in trouble by the police if you litter. Their building designs are incredible and very high. I have some questions for you to answer and we will discuss the answers when I am back. So answer below in a comment with the question number!
3. What is the name of this shopping mall?
I have arrived safe and sound. I love it here, it such a beautiful place and very very hot (30+ degrees). On the first day (Sunday). We did some sight seeing as a group it was awesome...I walked 18km in the 30 degree heat. Singapore is very clean, you can get in trouble by the police if you litter. Their building designs are incredible and very high. I have some questions for you to answer and we will discuss the answers when I am back. So answer below in a comment with the question number!
1. What is the name of the building behind me in this photo? (photo below)
2. This sign is from a major tourist attraction in Singapore. Do you where I was? What the place is called?
4. What is the name of the big Ferris wheel?
Here are some photos of the Bukhit Timah Primary School. The buildings are very high!
Miss you all! I will do another blog post soon. Watch this space....
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Welcome back!
Welcome back Room 6 to Term 3
I hope you are all have had a well deserved break and are ready for a great Term. This term is going to be filled with lots of fun and learning. Here is a taster of some of the exciting things happening this term:- Mandarin Lessons starting Week 2
- Speeches!
- Week 3 Miss Coffer heads to Singapore to meet another class and teacher. When she comes back we be doing some exciting online connections with Singapore.
- Huff n puff-a-thon
- Cross Country
- Father's Day Breakfast
- Olympics
- Novels
And that is only taster....
Add to the padlet below what you have been up to in the holidays and what you are looking forward to this term (don't put your name). On Monday we will have a read and try guess who wrote what.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Miss Coffer
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Winter Poems
On Monday we wrote some letters to winter. Have a read...
Dear Winter
Why do you blow your frost air on us?
Why do you form far away mist with your breath?
Why do you soak the ground with your tears?
Why do you ice the playground like my freezer?
From Max
Dear Winter,
By making the playground slippery,
Frosty and to cold for the delicate hand to touch?
Why do you force us to breath out smoke,
Like a smoke machine at a late night party?
You like to keep us inside with your rain.
Like a dictator you are the boss.
By Matthew
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Good bye Miss Madurai
Tomorrow is Miss Madurai's last day. She has been with us for the last five weeks teaching alongside Miss Coffer. We are really going to miss you Miss Madurai and we have loved having you teaching us! We wish you all the best for your teaching career!
Tinker time!
In Room 6 we have tinker time which is a hands on based activity (we get a new one each week). We use this time in our tumble for both reading and maths because it uses both these skills. Last week we had Ozbots! These are robots, where you can code them tracks.
Last Friday Room 6 was on assembly. It was great for us to be able to share our talents and work from Room 6. Here are some photos:
PTC 1:Relationships,
PTC 2:Well-being,
PTC 3:Treaty
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Onomatopoeia - Song
Room 6
Thursday, 19 May 2016
War Medals
Last week Cailan and Liam bought in their Grandfather's war medal for us to have a look at it. We enjoyed looking at the different types of medals and learning about what they were for.
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